(USD) | (DOLLAR) | (USDz) | (zDOLLAR)


U.S. Dollar | t.me/USDzDollar (USD) [BSC]
Contract: 0xcbc04deddd6ef53ae8c1f5c773b393ec2371d310
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The U.S. Dollar (USD) is a BEP20 fixed supply token designed to store value in the cryptocurrency market. The U.S. Dollar is a decentralized financial payments network that rebuilds the traditional payments stack on the Binance Smart Chain blockchain. All U.S. tokens Dollar (USD) are pegged 1 to 1 with a corresponding fiat currency and are 100% backed by USD reserves. It utilizes a basket of fiat-linked stablecoins, algorithmically stabilized by its dollar reserve currency, to facilitate programmable payments and the development of open financial infrastructure. The U.S. Dollar token was designed to be as simple as possible, with no fees for buying or selling tokens and with a constant circulating supply (not counting token burning itself), a decentralized version of conventional financial opportunities.

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